It all starts with great storytelling. Our journalists know the world of high-tech innovation and can translate your mission into convincing articles.
With Innovation Origins, we have a credible and trustworthy platform you can proudly refer all your stakeholders to.
We make sure the story reaches the audience you are looking for.
Innovation Origins is the European news platform for innovation and technology. As your sneak preview of the future, we show what the world of tomorrow could look like. We write about innovation, the business behind it, and the people involved. We share the most crucial industry stories, highlighting the people, products, and companies that will shape the world of tomorrow.
We're partnering with organizations that share our mission. So contact us if your goal is to help solve today's big challenges with innovative solutions.
We only allow banners and other advertising if the message matches our mission. Contact us if you deserve one of these special positions.
When the story is more important than the branding, an advertorial can help. We support you in finding a way to communicate your message.
Share your news with the world. In the right words, with the right timing, to the right audience.
We know how to translate your company mission into a convincing media strategy.
A story only gets impact if it is communicated in a credible and authentic way. We can help you.
A partnership with Innovation Origins brings your story to a large and relevant audience, and will get you a more significant brand awareness. You will become part of the network of partners, which includes large companies, knowledge institutions, start-ups, and governments. Use these contacts to empower your own network!
On our websites, of course. In English, German and Dutch. In addition, we routinely post stories on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. We are also active on Reddit, among other sites. Our videos can also be found on youtube, our podcasts on all your favourite channels. We distribute a selection of our content through our daily and weekly newsletters.
Innovation Origins is an excellent complement to an organization’s existing communications. Your communication department often looks from the inside out, while Innovation Origins turns things around. We highlight different aspects of an organization and its innovations through our fresh and journalistic perspective. Because everything blends in well, these elements positively reinforce each other.
Together we create the best and most relevant content. Topics of the stories and possibly other productions are agreed upon. We also search together for the best sources to tell a story. One of our well-informed journalists works on the article. Then there is room for the interviewees to proofread the article for factual inaccuracies. Finally, we agree on a publication date to guarantee publicity when it suits your schedule and goals.
Innovation Origins’ website attracts an average of 175,000 unique visitors per month. Overall, we get 320,000 pageviews per month. To this is added the activity on social media. In addition, we support republication of the content, be it by our partners or any other publisher.